Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance
Approval of Agenda as Presented
Approval of Minutes for the December 17, 2012, Planning & Zoning Commission meeting General Discussion
Consent Agenda Items 5A - 5B
Public Hearing - Replat & Revised Site Plan: Alcatel USA Addition, Block A, Lot 4R - General offices on one lot on 15.9± acres located at the southwest corner of Lotus Drive and Independence Parkway. Zoned Light Industrial-1, Planned Development-381-Retail/General Office, and Agricultural/190 Tollway/Plano Parkway Overlay District. Neighborhood #64. Applicant: Tektronix Texas, LLC
Public Hearing - Replat: Ruisseau Village, Block 1, Lot 2R - Retail and restaurant on one lot on 12.6± acres located west of U.S. Highway 75 and 277± feet south of Ruisseau Drive. Zoned Corridor Commercial with Specific Use Permits #11 and #106 for Private Clubs and Specific Use Permit #572 for Dance Hall. Neighborhood #36. Applicant: West Plano Retail, LLC
Request to Call a Public Hearing - Request to call a public hearing to amend the Zoning Ordinance concerning regulations for mid-rise residential development. Applicant: City of Plano
Items for Future Discussion - The Planning & Zoning Commission may identify issues or topics that they wish to schedule for discussion at a future meeting.
Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance
Approval of Agenda as Presented
Approval of Minutes for the December 17, 2012, Planning & Zoning Commission meeting General Discussion
Consent Agenda Items 5A - 5B
Public Hearing - Replat & Revised Site Plan: Alcatel USA Addition, Block A, Lot 4R - General offices on one lot on 15.9± acres located at the southwest corner of Lotus Drive and Independence Parkway. Zoned Light Industrial-1, Planned Development-381-Retail/General Office, and Agricultural/190 Tollway/Plano Parkway Overlay District. Neighborhood #64. Applicant: Tektronix Texas, LLC
Public Hearing - Replat: Ruisseau Village, Block 1, Lot 2R - Retail and restaurant on one lot on 12.6± acres located west of U.S. Highway 75 and 277± feet south of Ruisseau Drive. Zoned Corridor Commercial with Specific Use Permits #11 and #106 for Private Clubs and Specific Use Permit #572 for Dance Hall. Neighborhood #36. Applicant: West Plano Retail, LLC
Request to Call a Public Hearing - Request to call a public hearing to amend the Zoning Ordinance concerning regulations for mid-rise residential development. Applicant: City of Plano
Items for Future Discussion - The Planning & Zoning Commission may identify issues or topics that they wish to schedule for discussion at a future meeting.