I. Consideration and action resulting from Executive Session discussion:
Personnel - Appointment/Reappointment
a) Designation of Mayor Pro Tem and Deputy Mayor Pro Tem
II. Personnel - Appointment/Reappointment
Plano Health Facilities Development Corporation
III. Council appointments to various committees and organizations
IV. DART Presentation
V. Library Departmental Update
VI. Tax Increment Financing Briefing
VII. Neighborhood Services Departmental Presentation
VIII. Consent and Regular Agendas
IX. Council items for discussion/action on future agendas
I. Consideration and action resulting from Executive Session discussion:
Personnel - Appointment/Reappointment
a) Designation of Mayor Pro Tem and Deputy Mayor Pro Tem
II. Personnel - Appointment/Reappointment
Plano Health Facilities Development Corporation
III. Council appointments to various committees and organizations
IV. DART Presentation
V. Library Departmental Update
VI. Tax Increment Financing Briefing
VII. Neighborhood Services Departmental Presentation
VIII. Consent and Regular Agendas
IX. Council items for discussion/action on future agendas