CALL TO ORDER EXECUTIVE SESSION I. Legal Advice a) Respond to questions and receive legal advice on agenda items b) North Texas Municipal Water District Water Contract II. Economic Development Discuss a financial offer or other incentive to a business prospect to locate, stay, or expand in Plano and consider any commercial and financial information from the business prospect III. Real Estate a) Downtown Plano IV. Personnel Evaluation of Council Appointees a) Municipal Judge b) City Attorney PRELIMINARY OPEN MEETING I. Consideration and action resulting from Executive Session discussion II. Discussion and Direction re: Collinwood House Reeves III. Tax Legislative Changes & Property Tax Rate Overview IV. Oak Point Special Area Plan V. Library Collection Addition VI. Parks Median and Field Maintenance VII. Veterans Wall Pavers VIII. Consent and Regular Agendas IX. Council items for discussion/action on future agendas
CALL TO ORDER EXECUTIVE SESSION I. Legal Advice a) Respond to questions and receive legal advice on agenda items b) North Texas Municipal Water District Water Contract II. Economic Development Discuss a financial offer or other incentive to a business prospect to locate, stay, or expand in Plano and consider any commercial and financial information from the business prospect III. Real Estate a) Downtown Plano IV. Personnel Evaluation of Council Appointees a) Municipal Judge b) City Attorney PRELIMINARY OPEN MEETING I. Consideration and action resulting from Executive Session discussion II. Discussion and Direction re: Collinwood House Reeves III. Tax Legislative Changes & Property Tax Rate Overview IV. Oak Point Special Area Plan V. Library Collection Addition VI. Parks Median and Field Maintenance VII. Veterans Wall Pavers VIII. Consent and Regular Agendas IX. Council items for discussion/action on future agendas