CALL TO ORDER EXECUTIVE SESSION I. Legal Advice a) Respond to questions and receive legal advice on agenda items b) Legal parameters for zoning decision Mims 20 min. II. Economic Development Discuss a financial offer or other incentive to a business prospect to locate, stay, or expand in Plano and consider any commercial and financial information from the business prospect Glasscock/Bane 10 min. III. Real Estate a) Downtown Plano b) McDermott Road Carr/Israelson 10 min. PRELIMINARY OPEN MEETING I. Consideration and action resulting from Executive Session discussion Council 5 min. II. DART Report Wilkins 15 min. III. North Texas Municipal Water District Rate Presentation Tom Kula, NTMWD IV. Frontier Communication Introduction and Update Lutzke 15 min. V. Downtown Heritage Resource District Design Standards McDonald 15 min. VI. Consideration of 2017 City Council Meeting Dates Glasscock 5 min. VII. Consent and Regular Agendas Council 5 min. VIII. Council items for discussion/action on future agendas Council 5 min.
CALL TO ORDER EXECUTIVE SESSION I. Legal Advice a) Respond to questions and receive legal advice on agenda items b) Legal parameters for zoning decision Mims 20 min. II. Economic Development Discuss a financial offer or other incentive to a business prospect to locate, stay, or expand in Plano and consider any commercial and financial information from the business prospect Glasscock/Bane 10 min. III. Real Estate a) Downtown Plano b) McDermott Road Carr/Israelson 10 min. PRELIMINARY OPEN MEETING I. Consideration and action resulting from Executive Session discussion Council 5 min. II. DART Report Wilkins 15 min. III. North Texas Municipal Water District Rate Presentation Tom Kula, NTMWD IV. Frontier Communication Introduction and Update Lutzke 15 min. V. Downtown Heritage Resource District Design Standards McDonald 15 min. VI. Consideration of 2017 City Council Meeting Dates Glasscock 5 min. VII. Consent and Regular Agendas Council 5 min. VIII. Council items for discussion/action on future agendas Council 5 min.