WILL CONVENE INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION AT 5:00 P.M. ON FEBRUARY 09, 2015, FOLLOWED BY THE PRELIMINARY OPEN MEETING IN THE PLANO MUNICIPAL BUILDING, 1520 K AVENUE, IN COMPLIANCE WITH VERNON'S TEXAS CODES ANNOTATED, GOVERNMENT CODE CHAPTER 551 (OPEN MEETINGS ACT), AS FOLLOWS: Mission Statement: The City of Plano is a regional and national leader, providing outstanding services and facilities through cooperative efforts that engage our citizens and that contribute to the quality of life in our community. EXECUTIVE SESSION I. Legal Advice a) Respond to questions and receive legal advice on agenda items b) Equal Rights Ordinance Petition Mims 30 min. II. Economic Development Discuss a financial offer or other incentive to a business prospect to locate, stay, or expand in Plano and consider any commercial and financial information from the business prospect Glasscock/Bane 10 min. III. Real Estate a) Downtown Plano b) Legacy Area c) Summit Avenue Turner 15 min. IV. Personnel - Appointments a) Planning and Zoning Commission - Members and Chair Council 5 min. PRELIMINARY OPEN MEETING I. Consideration and action resulting from Executive Session discussion: Personnel - Appointments a) Planning and Zoning Commission - Members and Chair Council 5 min. II. Courtyard Theater Resident Theater Company Recommendation Fortenberry 15 min. 02-05-15 3:23 PM Plano City Council Executive Session/Preliminary Open Meeting - February 09, 2015 - Page 2 III. Council items for discussion/action on future agendas Council 5 min. IV. Consent and Regular Agendas Council 5 min. In accordance with the provisions of the Open Meetings Act, during Preliminary Open Meetings, agenda items will be discussed and votes may be taken where appropriate. Municipal Center is wheelchair accessible. A sloped curb entry is available at the main entrance facing Municipal/L Avenue, with specially marked parking spaces nearby. Access and special parking are also available on the north side of building. The Senator Florence Shapiro Council Chambers is accessible by elevator to the lower level. Requests for sign interpreters or special services must be received forty-eight (48) hours prior to the meeting time by calling the City Secretary at 972-941-7120.
WILL CONVENE INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION AT 5:00 P.M. ON FEBRUARY 09, 2015, FOLLOWED BY THE PRELIMINARY OPEN MEETING IN THE PLANO MUNICIPAL BUILDING, 1520 K AVENUE, IN COMPLIANCE WITH VERNON'S TEXAS CODES ANNOTATED, GOVERNMENT CODE CHAPTER 551 (OPEN MEETINGS ACT), AS FOLLOWS: Mission Statement: The City of Plano is a regional and national leader, providing outstanding services and facilities through cooperative efforts that engage our citizens and that contribute to the quality of life in our community. EXECUTIVE SESSION I. Legal Advice a) Respond to questions and receive legal advice on agenda items b) Equal Rights Ordinance Petition Mims 30 min. II. Economic Development Discuss a financial offer or other incentive to a business prospect to locate, stay, or expand in Plano and consider any commercial and financial information from the business prospect Glasscock/Bane 10 min. III. Real Estate a) Downtown Plano b) Legacy Area c) Summit Avenue Turner 15 min. IV. Personnel - Appointments a) Planning and Zoning Commission - Members and Chair Council 5 min. PRELIMINARY OPEN MEETING I. Consideration and action resulting from Executive Session discussion: Personnel - Appointments a) Planning and Zoning Commission - Members and Chair Council 5 min. II. Courtyard Theater Resident Theater Company Recommendation Fortenberry 15 min. 02-05-15 3:23 PM Plano City Council Executive Session/Preliminary Open Meeting - February 09, 2015 - Page 2 III. Council items for discussion/action on future agendas Council 5 min. IV. Consent and Regular Agendas Council 5 min. In accordance with the provisions of the Open Meetings Act, during Preliminary Open Meetings, agenda items will be discussed and votes may be taken where appropriate. Municipal Center is wheelchair accessible. A sloped curb entry is available at the main entrance facing Municipal/L Avenue, with specially marked parking spaces nearby. Access and special parking are also available on the north side of building. The Senator Florence Shapiro Council Chambers is accessible by elevator to the lower level. Requests for sign interpreters or special services must be received forty-eight (48) hours prior to the meeting time by calling the City Secretary at 972-941-7120.