Call to Order
Presentation: Plano Fire-Rescue has received the American Heart Association’s Mission: Lifeline® Gold Plus Achievement Award for implementing quality improvement measures outlined for the treatment of patients who suffer severe heart attacks.
Proclamation: August 2019 marks the 25th anniversary of the opening of the City of Plano Day Labor Center.
(j) To approve the terms and conditions of a Second Amendment to Contract between City of Plano and Allied Waste Systems, Inc. for Residential Recycling Processing Services, authorizing its execution by the City Manager; and providing an effective date.
(1) Public Hearing and consideration of an Ordinance as requested in Zoning Case 2019-010 to amend the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City, Ordinance No. 2015-5-2, as heretofore amended, granting Specific Use Permit No. 116 for Arcade on 0.1 acre of land located 71 feet west of Custer Road and 166 feet south of Parker Road, in the City of Plano, Collin County, Texas, presently zoned Planned Development-90-Retail; directing a change accordingly in the official zoning map of the City; and providing a penalty clause, a repealer clause, a savings clause, a severability clause, a publication clause, and an effective date. Applicant: Custer Park Partners, LLC
(2) Public Hearing and consideration of an Ordinance as requested in Zoning Case 2019-005 to amend the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City, Ordinance No. 2015-5-2, as heretofore amended, amending Specific Use Permit No. 550 for Day Care Center and granting Specific Use Permit No. 551 for Private School on 7.5 acres located at the southeast corner of Legacy Drive and Ohio Drive in the City of Plano, Collin County, Texas, presently zoned Single-Family Residence-7 with Specific Use Permit No. 550 for Day Care Center; directing a change accordingly in the official zoning map of the City; and providing a penalty clause, a repealer clause, a savings clause, a severability clause, a publication clause, and an effective date. Applicant: Montessori New Beginnings Academy, Inc. (Tabled at July 22, 2019, City Council meeting.)
(3) Public Hearing on the FY 2019-20 Recommended Budget and the FY 2019-20 Proposed Community Investment Program (CIP).
Preliminary Open Meeting Items II & VII
(4) Discussion and Direction regarding Proposed Ad Valorem Tax Rate.
(5) Consideration of a Resolution to accept the Certified Appraisal Rolls for Fiscal Year 2019-20 for Collin County and Denton County; and providing an effective date.
(6) Discussion of the Proposed FY 2019-20 Community Investment Program.