Call to Order
Presentation: The City of Plano has received the John A. Sasso National Community Development Week Award.
(1) Consideration to approve a Development Agreement between the City of Plano, Texas and Collin Creek Development, LLC for the Collin Creek Mall Redevelopment Project; and authorizing the City Manager to execute all necessary documents.
(2) Consideration of a Resolution to call for a public hearing on the creation of a public improvement district, the Collin Creek East Public Improvement District, being located within the corporate limits of the City of Plano; and providing an effective date.
(3) Consideration of a Resolution to call for a public hearing on the creation of a public improvement district, the Collin Creek West Public Improvement District, being located within the corporate limits of the City of Plano; and providing an effective date.
(4) Public Hearing and consideration of an Ordinance as requested in Zoning Case 2019-005 to amend the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City, Ordinance No. 2015-5-2, as heretofore amended, amending Specific Use Permit No. 550 for Day Care Center and granting Specific Use Permit No. 551 for Private School on 7.5 acres located at the southeast corner of Legacy Drive and Ohio Drive in the City of Plano, Collin County, Texas, presently zoned Single-Family Residence-7 with Specific Use Permit No. 550 for Day Care Center; directing a change accordingly in the official zoning map of the City; and providing a penalty clause, a repealer clause, a savings clause, a severability clause, a publication clause, and an effective date. Applicant: Montessori New Beginnings Academy, Inc.
(5) Public Hearing and consideration of a Resolution to adopt the 2019-2020 Action Plan, including the summary of Community Development Block Grant and HOME Investment Partnerships Program activities and proposed use of funds for program year 2019-2020; and providing an effective date.
(6) Consideration of a Resolution to authorize the filing of applications for U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development funds in an amount not to exceed $1,864,370 under the Housing and Community Development Act and the HOME Investment Partnerships Act; designating the City Manager as Chief Executive Officer and authorized representative of the City for the purpose of giving required assurances, acting in connection with said application and providing required information; and providing an effective date.
(7) Public Hearing and consideration of a Resolution to authorize an amendment to the 2015 – 2019 Citizen Participation Plan for the use of U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Community Development Block Grant and HOME Investment Partnerships Program funds; and providing an effective date.