Proclamations & Special Recognitions
PRESENTATION: The Friends of the Plano Public Library organization is presenting a large donation to the Plano Public Library System. SPECIAL RECOGNITION: Karen Rhodes-Whitley recently received the 2014 Outstanding Service Award from the Government Finance Officers Association of Texas. PRESENTATION: The Plano Budget & Research Department has received the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award from the Government Finance Officers Association.
Oaths of Office & Public Comments
Cultural Affairs Commission Nadia McInnis
The Consent Agenda will be acted upon in one motion and contains items which are routine and typically noncontroversial. Items may be removed from this agenda for individual discussion by a Council Member, the City Manager or any citizen. Citizens are limited to two (2) items and discussion time of three (3) minutes each. Approval of Minutes (a) November 24, 2014 Approval of Expenditures Award/Rejection of Bid/Proposal: (Purchase of products/services through formal procurement process by this agency) (b) Bid No. 2014-321-B for Lighting Replacement at the Tom Muehlenbeck Recreation Center to Environmental Lighting Service, LLC, in the amount of $62,891; and authorizing the City Manager to execute all necessary documents. (c) CSP No. 2014-127-C for a one-year contract with five (5) City optional renewals, for Permit, Land Use, and Licensing Enterprise Solution and maintenance for the Planning, GIS, Engineering, Building Inspections and Property Standards departments to CRW Systems, Inc. in the estimated amount of $644,600 for implementation, with five (5) years of maintenance in the estimated amount of $390,187 for a total estimated six-year amount of $1,034,787; and authorizing the City Manager to execute all necessary documents. Purchase from an Existing Contract (d) To approve the purchase of two (2) radio consoles, inclusive of hardware, software, backup base stations, handheld radios, and installation for Public Safety Communications in the amount of $136,736 from Motorola Solutions, Inc., through an existing contract/agreement with HGAC, and authorizing the City Manager to execute all necessary documents. (HGAC Contract No. RA05-12) Approval of Contract: (Purchase of products/services exempt from State of Texas Competitive Bid Laws) (e) To approve an Architectural Services Agreement by and between the City of Plano and Dewberry Architects, Inc., in the amount of $72,660 for Council Chambers Acoustic Analysis and Design, including the redesign of the Action Center for accessibility; and authorizing the City Manager to execute all necessary documents. Approval of Change Order (f) To Phillips/May Corporation, increasing the contract by $184,998 for the Big Lake Park & Chisholm Trail Improvements, Project No. 5911.1, Change Order No. 1. Original Bid 2014-63-B Adoption of Resolutions (g) To approve the terms and conditions of a First Amendment to the Economic Development Incentive Agreement by and between the City of Plano, Texas and Ericsson Inc., a Delaware corporation; authorizing its execution by the City Manager; and providing an effective date. (h) To approve the terms and conditions of a First Amendment to the Tax Abatement Agreement by and between the City of Plano, Texas, Ericsson Inc., a Delaware corporation, and Ericsson Real Estate Holdings Inc., a Delaware corporation; authorizing its execution by the City Manager; and providing an effective date. (i) To approve the terms and conditions of a Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Plano and the Plano Housing Authority to undertake activities under the City of Plano Housing Rehabilitation Program’s Acquisition, Rehabilitation, and Resale (ARR) activity; authorizing its execution by the City Manager; and providing an effective date. (j) To approve the terms and conditions of a Real Estate Contract by and between Clearhaven Properties, LLC, a Texas limited liability company, and the City of Plano for the purchase of approximately .2557 acres of land located at 10301 Custer Road in Plano, Collin County, Texas, for the Three Cities Trail Connection project; and authorizing the City Manager to execute such contract and providing an effective date. (k) To approve the terms and conditions of a Real Estate Contract by and between Rowlett Creek Cemetery Association, a Texas nonprofit/cemetery association, and the City of Plano for the purchase of approximately 3.334 acres of land located at Custer Road in Plano, Collin County, Texas, for the Three Cities Trail Connection project; and authorizing the City Manager to execute such contract and providing an effective date. Presentation
Public Hearing and consideration of an Ordinance to amend Section 2-11, to be renamed Equal Rights Policy, of the City of Plano Code of Ordinances, adopting an expanded policy based on protected characteristics; and prohibiting discrimination in places of public accommodation, employment practices, housing transactions and city contracting practices; providing a repealer clause, a severability clause, a penalty clause, a publication clause and an effective date.
Public Hearing and consideration of an Ordinance to amend Section 2-11, to be renamed Equal Rights Policy, of the City of Plano Code of Ordinances, adopting an expanded policy based on protected characteristics; and prohibiting discrimination in places of public accommodation, employment practices, housing transactions and city contracting practices; providing a repealer clause, a severability clause, a penalty clause, a publication clause and an effective date.
Proclamations & Special Recognitions
PRESENTATION: The Friends of the Plano Public Library organization is presenting a large donation to the Plano Public Library System. SPECIAL RECOGNITION: Karen Rhodes-Whitley recently received the 2014 Outstanding Service Award from the Government Finance Officers Association of Texas. PRESENTATION: The Plano Budget & Research Department has received the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award from the Government Finance Officers Association.
Oaths of Office & Public Comments
Cultural Affairs Commission Nadia McInnis
The Consent Agenda will be acted upon in one motion and contains items which are routine and typically noncontroversial. Items may be removed from this agenda for individual discussion by a Council Member, the City Manager or any citizen. Citizens are limited to two (2) items and discussion time of three (3) minutes each. Approval of Minutes (a) November 24, 2014 Approval of Expenditures Award/Rejection of Bid/Proposal: (Purchase of products/services through formal procurement process by this agency) (b) Bid No. 2014-321-B for Lighting Replacement at the Tom Muehlenbeck Recreation Center to Environmental Lighting Service, LLC, in the amount of $62,891; and authorizing the City Manager to execute all necessary documents. (c) CSP No. 2014-127-C for a one-year contract with five (5) City optional renewals, for Permit, Land Use, and Licensing Enterprise Solution and maintenance for the Planning, GIS, Engineering, Building Inspections and Property Standards departments to CRW Systems, Inc. in the estimated amount of $644,600 for implementation, with five (5) years of maintenance in the estimated amount of $390,187 for a total estimated six-year amount of $1,034,787; and authorizing the City Manager to execute all necessary documents. Purchase from an Existing Contract (d) To approve the purchase of two (2) radio consoles, inclusive of hardware, software, backup base stations, handheld radios, and installation for Public Safety Communications in the amount of $136,736 from Motorola Solutions, Inc., through an existing contract/agreement with HGAC, and authorizing the City Manager to execute all necessary documents. (HGAC Contract No. RA05-12) Approval of Contract: (Purchase of products/services exempt from State of Texas Competitive Bid Laws) (e) To approve an Architectural Services Agreement by and between the City of Plano and Dewberry Architects, Inc., in the amount of $72,660 for Council Chambers Acoustic Analysis and Design, including the redesign of the Action Center for accessibility; and authorizing the City Manager to execute all necessary documents. Approval of Change Order (f) To Phillips/May Corporation, increasing the contract by $184,998 for the Big Lake Park & Chisholm Trail Improvements, Project No. 5911.1, Change Order No. 1. Original Bid 2014-63-B Adoption of Resolutions (g) To approve the terms and conditions of a First Amendment to the Economic Development Incentive Agreement by and between the City of Plano, Texas and Ericsson Inc., a Delaware corporation; authorizing its execution by the City Manager; and providing an effective date. (h) To approve the terms and conditions of a First Amendment to the Tax Abatement Agreement by and between the City of Plano, Texas, Ericsson Inc., a Delaware corporation, and Ericsson Real Estate Holdings Inc., a Delaware corporation; authorizing its execution by the City Manager; and providing an effective date. (i) To approve the terms and conditions of a Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Plano and the Plano Housing Authority to undertake activities under the City of Plano Housing Rehabilitation Program’s Acquisition, Rehabilitation, and Resale (ARR) activity; authorizing its execution by the City Manager; and providing an effective date. (j) To approve the terms and conditions of a Real Estate Contract by and between Clearhaven Properties, LLC, a Texas limited liability company, and the City of Plano for the purchase of approximately .2557 acres of land located at 10301 Custer Road in Plano, Collin County, Texas, for the Three Cities Trail Connection project; and authorizing the City Manager to execute such contract and providing an effective date. (k) To approve the terms and conditions of a Real Estate Contract by and between Rowlett Creek Cemetery Association, a Texas nonprofit/cemetery association, and the City of Plano for the purchase of approximately 3.334 acres of land located at Custer Road in Plano, Collin County, Texas, for the Three Cities Trail Connection project; and authorizing the City Manager to execute such contract and providing an effective date. Presentation
Public Hearing and consideration of an Ordinance to amend Section 2-11, to be renamed Equal Rights Policy, of the City of Plano Code of Ordinances, adopting an expanded policy based on protected characteristics; and prohibiting discrimination in places of public accommodation, employment practices, housing transactions and city contracting practices; providing a repealer clause, a severability clause, a penalty clause, a publication clause and an effective date.
Public Hearing and consideration of an Ordinance to amend Section 2-11, to be renamed Equal Rights Policy, of the City of Plano Code of Ordinances, adopting an expanded policy based on protected characteristics; and prohibiting discrimination in places of public accommodation, employment practices, housing transactions and city contracting practices; providing a repealer clause, a severability clause, a penalty clause, a publication clause and an effective date.