CALL TO ORDER: 7:00 p.m. INVOCATION: Imam Yaseen Shaikh Islamic Association of Collin County PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE
This portion of the meeting is to allow up to five (5) minutes per speaker with thirty (30) total minutes on items of interest or concern and not on items that are on the current agenda. The Council may not discuss these items, but may respond with factual or policy information. The Council may choose to place the item on a future agenda.
The Consent Agenda will be acted upon in one motion and contains items which are routine and typically noncontroversial. Items may be removed from this agenda for individual discussion by a Council Member, the City Manager or any citizen. Citizens are limited to two (2) items and discussion time of three (3) minutes each.
Consideration of a Resolution to approve the terms and conditions of an Economic Development Incentive Agreement by and between the City of Plano, Texas, and Hyundai Capital America, a California corporation; authorizing its execution by the City Manager; and providing an effective date.
CALL TO ORDER: 7:00 p.m. INVOCATION: Imam Yaseen Shaikh Islamic Association of Collin County PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE
This portion of the meeting is to allow up to five (5) minutes per speaker with thirty (30) total minutes on items of interest or concern and not on items that are on the current agenda. The Council may not discuss these items, but may respond with factual or policy information. The Council may choose to place the item on a future agenda.
The Consent Agenda will be acted upon in one motion and contains items which are routine and typically noncontroversial. Items may be removed from this agenda for individual discussion by a Council Member, the City Manager or any citizen. Citizens are limited to two (2) items and discussion time of three (3) minutes each.
Consideration of a Resolution to approve the terms and conditions of an Economic Development Incentive Agreement by and between the City of Plano, Texas, and Hyundai Capital America, a California corporation; authorizing its execution by the City Manager; and providing an effective date.